Frequently asked Questions

Stock photos are professional high quality photographs of common places, landmarks, nature, events or people that are bought and sold on a royalty-free basis and can be used and reused for commercial design purposes.  Stock photography is a grouping of images that companies, bloggers and individuals can use.

We are Namibia’s first stock photography platform that accept the high-quality photos of Namibian photographers  through online submission.

Stock photography refers to the supply of photographs, which are often licensed for specific uses such as magazine publishing or pamphlet-making.  A stock photo is an electronic photograph used for creative or business purposes in lieu of hiring a photographer for a given project. Users retrieve stock photos from stock photo websites, which often license images for designated one-time uses, or sell royalty-free rights to photos that can be purchased once and used repeatedly.

It is a fact that visual content drives engagement to a company / product / institute.

Companies, design houses, bloggers or individual users use stock photos to help with marketing through commercial design, social media promotion and any other visual needs to build their brand.


In photography, royalty-free refers to a copyright license where the user has the right to use the picture without any restrictions based on one-time payment to the licensor. The user can, therefore, use the image in several projects without having to purchase any additional licenses. (RF licenses) cannot be given on an exclusive basis.

Image libraries are a great way of generating an extra revenue stream.  Shooting, editing and uploading files is a time-consuming chore. To increase your sales you should upload regularly, shoot a variety of genres and think like a customer.

Finding local visual material that suits a specific brand can either be a very expensive or very frustrating job.  We saw that there are plenty of local photographers with great quality images. We also saw that many prospective customers are searching for great quality images, but do not know where to find local content.   That is why we started We created this platform for local artist to display and sell their work.

All you have to do is to subscribe on our website.  The process asks for a few verifications, but in general it is quick and simple to use.

Start with all those images on your hard drives that never gets used and once you get a feel of what sells, you can start shooting more for the demand.

You just try again. wants to sell great quality images.  Therefore we have to be sure to provide consistent quality.   If you are struggling to get your images approved, just contact us at

Images that look at the economy, social behavior and landscapes are always sought after.  Besides basic photographic rules / guidelines you can also keep the following in mind:

– Lose the Clutter

When you frame your shot, make sure that your subject stands out and nothing else is distracting the viewer from the subject.

– Shoot on the lowest ISO possible to avoid digital noise and graininess on your images.

– Zoom in to 100% to make sure the image is crystal sharp and the focus is on the exact right place.

– Think Like an Advertiser

Stock photography is often used in advertising. That means advertisers might want room on the side of a subject to add text, or be unhappy if there’s another brand name featured in the shot

– Take the same photo from a few different angles and with a few variations.

– Go Large

Advertisers will often need very large versions of your photos so they can edit them and use them as they need to. Be sure to take your photos at the largest resolution possible

First you sign up as a contributor.

Once all info has been checked and confirmed you will be asked to upload a portfolio of 5 images.  After curating, you will be approved and you can start uploading content. REMEMBER that EACH image will be curated and needs to be approved for quality control processes.  This can take up to 72 hours.